Monday, October 17, 2011

Why don't you like drumsticks?

My kids don't like chicken drumsticks.  Kaitlyn ate them willingly ONE time.  We were on our annual vacation in Pacific Beach, and she ate three of them.  She has not eaten them since.  Last night was no exception.   Connor ate two bites.

I will continue to make them.  I am counting on the tenth time is the charm principle of introducing new foods.   I WILL NOT GIVE UP!  They ate all the rice and corn.  Small victories.

Anyway, I marinated the chicken in Italian dressing for about 6 hours, then baked them off in the oven.  During the summer, I finish them on the grill, but I was to lazy to do that, so I finished them under the broiler.  I use Sweet Baby Rays sauce, but I will use whatever I get on sale. 

So, tonight is pasta night.  Spaghetti and Meatballs.  Instead of garlic bread, I will toast up the Gilroy Garlic loaf that I got at the Harvest Festival.  This should be well received.

UPDATE - as of July 2012 - Connor will eat drumsticks!!!  Baked, grilled, and friend.  Kaitlyn is still a work in process. 

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