Friday, October 14, 2011

Pot Roast!

I like my Crock Pot.  I like pot roast.  I like the ease of cooking pot roast in my Crock Pot.  I do not, however, like over cooked roast (or meat in general).  I read all those recipes online, and people raving how their meat "simply fell apart as it was so tender". Yuck.  I don't like stringy meat. 

Yesterday, I didn't want to set it to cook for so long.  Then, I got busy at work, so I forgot to go home and turn it on.  Fortunately/unfortunately, Kaitlyn had a tummy ache, so I had to pick her up from school early.  Dinner is saved.

I tried a new recipe that used coffee for the cooking liquid.  I let it cook on high for 4 hours. I did tweak the recipe a bit.  I seasoned (S&P) and browned the roast before cooking, and I added 1 cup of beef broth to the cooking liquid.

Roast Beef with coffee

Results.... PERFECT.

You could still slice the roast, but it was tender, and tasted SO good.  Big thumbs up from the pot roast eaters in the family, namely Jason and myself.  The kids ate rice pilaf and veggies.  Connor requested carrots.  He loves his carrots.

Tonight is movie night, which may mean pizza, but we'll see what mood I'm in by the time I get home.

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