
We are now in our 7th year for the OC arthritis Walk.  My math says we have raised over 25,000 as a team.  So proud to fundraise for such an important cause.

Kaitlyn's Krew 2015

Arthritis is Unacceptable!

Kaitlyn was diagnosed with Pauciarticular Rheumatoid Arthritis when she was two years old.  Although she is in remission now, this is a cause that is near and dear to me.  We participate every year in the OC Arthritis Walk to raise money and awareness for a cure.

This will be the fourth year for Kaitlyn's Krew, and this year is a special one.  Kaitlyn is the 2012 Youth Honoree for the OC Walk.
  2012 OC Arthritis Walk Honorees

I invite you to join us for the walk on May 20, 2012   9:00am at UCI.  You can join our team, or donate at the following link. 
Kaitlyn's Krew