Tales of Suburbia

Life in a SoCal Suburb...

When we last left off, DJ had developed a health issue which caused her to leave her Happy Place (28 day spa), and return to her family.

Children playing outside in the late afternoon sun.  Breeze blowing, birds chirping, and a dog in the distance is secretly tearing up a plastic football.

Suddenly, a child begins  to cry - loudly.

He had fallen from his bike, and had a bruise rapidly appearing on his chest.  His mom walked over to check on him, and seeing it was nothing serious, began to retrieve his bike from the boys friend who had walked it home.  He looked like he was about to ride it back, and she playfully tapped the brim of his baseball cap saying "Go put your helmet on dude. No riding without your helmet."  Another mom chimed in, "It's the law!", sounding stern but with a smile.  There was a bit of back and forth, as the boy wasn't interested in getting his helmet, but he eventually ran off.

The two moms chatted a bit, until suddenly a third mom stormed up with the aforementioned cap wearing kid in tow.
"Did you hit my son?", she called out.
Wait, what?
She repeated her question.  "Did you hit my son?"

The question seemed so ludicrous that the mom didn't even answer it.  She responded to the boy, "What?  Did you say that?  Why would you say something like that?  Why are you making up stories?"

The boy hid behind his mom, as she repeated her question, "Did you hit my son?  He said you hit him."    This went on for a few minutes until the accused mom threw up her hands, "Whatever!" and stomped off.

Later, her husband was seen talking quite animatedly with the boys parents down at their house.

Unsure of the resolution, but tensions are running quite high at the moment.

Next day:

The kids were outside riding skateboards while waiting for late dinner after soccer practice.  Their mom comes out to call them in for dinner, and sees DJ's husband walking down the street with a car seat in his hand.  He looks pissed.  The husband shoots him a text "Everything OK?"  "Nope! It's pretty bad"
"Let me know if you need anything"

Easter Weekend.
A reprieve from the neighborhood drama is welcome, but comes with different stresses.  Out to the in-laws, fighting kept to a minimum.  Irony at it's best as the MIL apologizes for the outburst of the FIL.  "What outburst? Is she kidding?"
After 28 1/2 hours (but who is counting, right) headed back to the neighborhood.

A beautiful Easter morning is followed by a relaxing lunch with the other side of the family.  Cousin's playing Pokemon Go, lots of ooohing and ahhing over the new baby in the house, and eating, lots of eating.

Head home to get some chores done before the week begins.

Neighbor kids over to play.  "Are your parents home?  Didn't see the cars in the driveway?  Is someone else watching you?
"No, my mom's home.  We only have one car right now.  Something happened to the truck."
"OK."  hmmmm

Later, DJ's husband comes to retrieve his son.
"Where's the truck, man?"
"It's in the shop.  DJ was driving down the street, and she had been pursuing happiness again.  She was texting her brother, and hit a parked car at the end of the block." 😲😲😲😲

"What are you going to do?  Is she going back to the Happy Place?"
"No.  That isn't the best Happy Place for her."

No Sh*t.  The simple fact she says it makes her happy should have told you that.  No one is truly happy in the Happy Place.  Sitting on your butt while they make your meals, clean up after you, drive you to the gym, take you on outings that aren't to meeting with other happy people is not the the most effective way to deal with things.

"Are you going to find a new HP?"
"I don't know."
"She needs to be in one."
"I know."
"What if she gets happy again?  What if she had hurt someone?  What if S had been in the car?  You could lose your house?  It's about $30 grand for a DWH (driving while happy). "
"I know.  I told DJ if I came home and there is even a whiff of happiness, she is out.  Don't care where she goes."


I saw her this am.  She has to get S up and drive hubby to work everyday since they only have one car now.

Glad the kids are away until Wednesday, so I don't have to be outside.


Chatting with the infamous and mythical "M".
DJ's mom had stopped by to pick up the boy for BB practice.  Monica had said hello, and asked how things were going.
"Not good" was the reply.
She also filled M in on the car crash, adding that DJ's hubby had told her that if she consumed any happiness, any at all, she would need to leave.

"Today started off a good day..."  She told M that she was there to pick up DJ as hubs had kicked her out.

Yikes!! (again)

She left, but returned the next morning.  She proceeded to sit around all day, chatting on the phone, petting the dog.  (I was under the weather so I was home.)

Hubs came home at the same time that DJ's brother stopped by.  The brother called out to the boy, saying "Hey, Slugger.  Good to see ya!"
DJ looked up, said nothing, and proceeded to get in his car.

Off to a meeting.


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