Friday, October 7, 2011

Dinner out...WooHoo for me!

I have had some rough nights with the kids recently, so yesterday, I was too tired to even think about dinner let alone cook.  Souplantation to the rescue.  I like SP because the kids actually try new things and eat pretty healthy food there.  I throw lots of things on their tray and see what sticks.  Connor had been asking for broccoli the night before, so I gave him some little florets.  He dunked them in ranch, dipped them again in sunflower seeds and deemed them "Delicious".  He actually said that.  It was pretty funny.  They also ate garbanzo beans, cucumbers, corn and the requisite pasta.  Overall, a pretty good meal.  We did have a bit of a peanut scare towards the end.  On SPs "dessert" bar, they have jello, fruit and the toppings for their frozen yogurt.  Sometimes there are chopped peanuts, and tonight was one of those nights.  A couple pieces had made there way into the jello, which I did not know until after Connor had eaten a whole bowl.  A little bit of preemptive Benedryl, and he was fine. 

Tonight is movie night, so that will mean pizza for us - maybe frozen, maybe fresh.  I may make some English muffins ones which are Kaitlyn's favorite, but we will see.  I have been up since 4:30 so I may not make the effort.   The reality of a working mom. 

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