Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Time Flies in Fall

Suddenly, it is Tuesday again.  A new week's worth of meals on it's way.  Last night was "super easy Thanksgiving".  We had Turkey and Stuffing Rolls with mashed potatoes and gravy.  I even whipped up fresh cranberry sauce.  The leftovers of that are now in the freezer waiting for Thanksgiving.

Turkey Stuffing Roll-ups

I did skip the cream of ? soup.  I did put gravy inside with the stuffing as well as on the top.  Big thumbs up from Jason.  Kaitlyn ate the turkey, not the stuffing, and I made her eat three bites of the potatoes.  She ate them by scooping them on pieces of hard boiled egg white.  HUH?!?!?
Connor ate ...dum dum ta dum...nothing.  He finally ate some egg, and half a piece of toast with Nutella.

However, the night before, he did eat three helpings of salad.  That was all he ate.  Salad.  He declared it "delicious" and kept repeating "mmmm salad".  Go figure.

Last week was a bit rough, and to be honest.  I don't even remember what I cooked.  I know we had some King Ranch casserole because I had the leftovers for lunch yesterday. 

Tonight, Kaitlyn and I have to go to an Arthritis board meeting.  Mc Donalds for her (special treat) and catered dinner for me.  Jason and Connor are on their own. 

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