Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's the Weekend!

The weekend means lots of cooking in this house.   I started off with a loaf of pumpkin bread.  I love quick breads in the fall.  Zucchini bread is Jason's domain, but all others are mine.  Kaitlyn helped me with this one, cracking eggs and stirring.  For dinner, I planned chili, so I made that just after lunch.  Even just a few hours of sitting really helps the flavor.  I was glad I made it ahead of time, since the kids and I were over at a neighbor's house playing.  They were painting..wood, paper, each an early bath was in order.  In fact, the boys were so messy that they got hosed off in the backyard.  Connor then ran naked down the block to our house.  We passed a neighbor family, but fortunately, the mom had two boys, so that was probably a pretty common sight to her.  She just laughed.

So, I served the chili a few ways in order to increase it's odds of consumption.  Chili dogs for the husband, chili in bowls for the kids, and baked potato with chili for me.  I had cheese, sour cream and chips on the table for the kids to choose from.  Both had cheese, and Kaitlyn had chips.  Connor ate two bowls of chili straight up with cheese on top.  What a great surprise.  Kaitlyn didn't like it, so she ended up eating a hot dog.  Aside:  Kaitlyn eats her hot dog in parts.  She eats the hot dog itself separately.  She then puts ketchup on the bun, and then eats that.  To each his own.  We all ate carrots, and then finished the night with a lively game of Hullabaloo.

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