Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I survived Tuesday.

Talk about exhausted.  The whole family was tired last night.  Came home from work, threw L. rolls in the oven, had Kaitlyn do some homework, went to Nicolas's house, and picked up Connor.  Everyone was cranky, but they all ate their dinner.  Connor ate his Chicken Dinosaurs as he is not a big pasta fan, but the roll ups were a hit even though this batch was full of spinach.  Yay!  Early bath and the kids were in bed by 7:30.  No one woke up in the middle of the night.  What more could a mom ask for? 

Dinner tonight will be utilizing my leftover chili, somehow...someway.

We had chili tostadas.  Yum.  Kaitlyn woke up repeated at night.  Yuck.

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