Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Picky Tooth

I am a working mom of two wonderful children.  My son, Connor, is two and his sister, Kaitlyn, is five.  The name of this blog comes from Katilyn and her friend Katy.  (BTW- Katy is a twenty-something student of mine, but they are very good friends.)  They were drawing a picture of a princess together, and Katy had asked Kaitlyn what her favorite foods were so they could draw them.  After listing the requisite cookies, candy and cupcakes, Katy asked Kaitlyn if she had a sweet tooth.  Kaitlyn responded with, "No, I have a picky tooth".  Thus, this blog was born.

Along with her favorite baked goods, Kaitlyn loves ravioli and pasta of many kinds.  However, other than those, it gets tricky.  The picky tooth can be VERY picky.  I also have a somewhat, shall we say, selective husband, and a very selective son.  Compound that with having to cook dinner at the end of a work day, and dinner time becomes very tricky.  I hope to chronicle my successes and failures as I navigate being a working mom and home chef.

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