Monday, September 16, 2013

Family Beach Trip Part 3

The Food - Part 1

The most important part of the trip for me.  I planned quite a bit, and had a lot of Pinterest help in this area.  I didn't want to have a lot of work once we were at the site, so I did quite a bit before hand.
This form was a combination of ideas I found.

It was helpful in planning, and I kept it accessible at the site so I wouldn't have to deal with "What's for dinner?".

First day food was easy, sandwiches and hotdogs for dinner with Smores for dessert.

The next night was originally supposed to be the fancy dinner night with the in-laws.  They didn't come, but it wouldn't have worked to change the menu order due to freshness issues.  On tap was steak from here, baked potatoes from here and campfire cones for dessert.  I also made stuffed onions for me.  I knew no one else would eat them (nana would have), but they looked so good that I just had to splurge.  That was a good call.  Jason helped and sauted the fresh green beans in butter and garlic.  AMAZING MEAL!!!!

Cooking on the campfire.  I did have to jerry rig the grate, but it worked great.

 DH's potato with extra sour cream.

 Dessert Time - campfire cones.  These were awesome.
Fresh strawberries, sweetened cream cheese, white and milk chocolate, and mini marshmallows.
The strawberry, cream cheese and chocolate one was sooooo goood.

 This was their favorite dessert, and was repeated 2 other nights during the trip.

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