Monday, September 9, 2013

Family Beach Trip Part 2

A little bit about the site...

Found this idea here for the hand wash station.

This was our game station.  We had board games, card games, and I recycled the circus games from the big top movie night.

My homemade fire starters - dryer lint and melted old candles.  They worked great, so it was worth the harrassment by the husband for the many months of lint collecting.

This was amazing.  My cooler and ice stayed very cold.  We replenished the ice on day 4, but the salt water was still partially frozen when we got home.  I will definitely do 2 or even 3 of these next time.  

The state beach store...VERY expensive and not well stocked.  Ice was around $5 per bag so it was worth it to drive into Goleta to hit the Costco.  Ice creams and popsicles were cheaper across the highway at El Capitan Canyon, plus it was a nice walk over there.  Good coffee over there as well.

El Capitan Canyon

Skunks aplenty.  We saw a ton.  Several would walk through our site at night, and we had quite a laugh on the last night as a skunk courtship proceeded quite loudly under our trailer.  We put all food and trash up at night, so we never had a problem.  We left them alone, and they did the same.  

There is a lot of tar on the beach.  Not as much as there could have been, but a lot for someone not used to any at all.  We were prepared though.  At the handwashing station, we also had a bottle of vegetable oil.  A little bit of elbow grease, and the oil takes it right off.  I didn't worry so much about our bathing suits or flops.  It was the very end of summer, so once I saw tar on the bathing suit, we would wear the same ones to the beach knowing they would be tossed at the end of the trip.  

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