Friday, September 27, 2013

Family Beach Trip Part 4

The Food - Part 2

The other nights of the trip were not quite as successful as the fancy dinner night.  We did hobo packets one night...

It was hard to regulate the heat on these, and parts would burn a bit.  I didn't use raw meat in these for that reason.  I used precooked chicken and smoked sausage.  The kids were not big fans of these.

We also utilized the leftover steak and made burritos for the night my in-laws did come.
 Those were really good and Mexican food is always welcomed by the family.

I did venture a bit into dutch oven cooking.
I made a peach blackberry cobbler.  It was so good.

 So my DH has a thing about cooked fruit.  He doesn't like it/won't eat it.  Kids are taking after him a bit in this regard.  That piece was my portion, and the only portion eaten by my family.
Fortunately, we had gotten to know the neighboring campers across the way.  I took the pot to them, and they brought it back empty.  Well, almost empty.  They gave me two candy bars by way of saying Thanks.  They loved it, so that worked out well.

The kids did like the dirt cup dessert.  Kaitlyn helped me make these.  Candy rocks on the bottom, chocolate cake pieces, frosting and green sprinkles with gummy worms.  I had prepped green frosting at home, but somehow it didn't get packed.  I grabbed new frosting and the sprinkles when we went to town for ice.

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