Monday, December 17, 2012

Welcome to the winter wonderland!

Saturday was Connor's Winter Wonderland party.

8 children, 9 adults. 

The weather cooperated as it was sunny and clear through the first part of the party, and only then did it get a bit cloudy.

Staked balloons in the yard.  Kids loved this, but 30 minutes in, and at least of the third of the balloons were gone.  The 2 year old from next door had a lot of fun pulling them out and letting them go, until Connor got upset.

Mostly white (ok, off-white) food.  Cheddar corn puffs, peeled apple slices, yogurt covered pretzels, white fudge covered oreos, vanilla meringues, Monterrey jack cheese and crackers, kettle corn and white chocolate Bliss candies.  I did have Bacon/crackers for the adults.   

Connor and his cake.  The goody bags were pretty cool too.  They each had an arctic friend stuffed animal (polar bear, penguin or otter), a arctic friend ball, a peppermint tootsie pop, and four finger lights.  If you have not seen those lights yet, check them out.  The kids loved them. 
Amazon finger lights

Pin the hat on the Polar Bear.  I had 2 heats - one for 5-6 year olds, one for 3 and under.  Each kid won a prize, but the winners got to pick first. 
Favorites were the pooping polar bear and the grow your own polar bear.

Final images of the cake - note the shadows of the fish in the water.  Ha Ha.  I loved this cake and it was super fun to make.

Connor had fun at his party, and now Kaitlyn wants a winter wonderland themed party as well. 

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