Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day

With two little kids, and the holiday on a weeknight, we were not about to brave a romantic dinner out.  We had our fun stand-by meal - "Brinner".  This is breakfast for dinner, generally a surefire hit with the kids.

I had to step it up a bit to match the theme, so we had bacon and pancakes - all heart shaped.

The bacon before it is cooked.

and after.

 Making the pancakes - looked better than they tasted.  Didn't have the right pancake mix (I am an Aunt Jemima girl, and Bisquick has never cut it for me.)  I also had to borrow eggs from my neighbor.  That was fine as she had previously borrowed a cut of sugar from me, some cocoa too.  Ha Ha.
The completed meal......................................................and Kaitlyn's plate.  I call that a success.

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