Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Meatball Mania

A few weeks ago, I wanted to stock up the freezer a bit so I made a big batch of meatball.  The nice thing is now that Kaitlyn is 6, she not only WANTS to help, but she is ABLE to help.

We did a basic recipe of groung beef, eggs, breadcrumbs, oregano, basil, salt and pepper and parmesan cheese.

We used a cookie scoop to portion them out so they would be the same size.

Kaitlyn then rolled them all and placed them on a cookie sheet.

We made about 50 regular meatballs and 30 minis.  I baked them off in the oven, and most are stored in the freezer.  We did have spaghetti and meatballs that week for dinner, and they were yummy.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day

With two little kids, and the holiday on a weeknight, we were not about to brave a romantic dinner out.  We had our fun stand-by meal - "Brinner".  This is breakfast for dinner, generally a surefire hit with the kids.

I had to step it up a bit to match the theme, so we had bacon and pancakes - all heart shaped.

The bacon before it is cooked.

and after.

 Making the pancakes - looked better than they tasted.  Didn't have the right pancake mix (I am an Aunt Jemima girl, and Bisquick has never cut it for me.)  I also had to borrow eggs from my neighbor.  That was fine as she had previously borrowed a cut of sugar from me, some cocoa too.  Ha Ha.
The completed meal......................................................and Kaitlyn's plate.  I call that a success.