Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

 I always like doing something fun for Halloween.  Of course, our house is completely decorated with lights and tombstones, fake limbs, etc., but food has to be involved somehow.

Ta Da...

This made me laugh, and the kids loved it.  

Speaking of kids...

Mavis and her skeleton brother.  His costume had LEDs all over the chest piece.  It was great.

So, after the kids went TOTing, we decided to have a movie night.
Nightmare Before Christmas.

Mother nature had other plans.
The kids actually sat out under umbrellas for a while, but alas, we pulled the plug (literally).

Next year....

As we were then sorting through candy at the end of the night, we found this.


At least cover or scratch out the name so we can't see that you did this.

Ha Ha Ha!
My husband wanted to hand out leftover candy from Easter and such.
I said" No! Who does that?"

Apparently, Kade does. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Beach Camping Trip 2014 - The Food

Kebable Lunch for the kids.  Cheese and Salami.

Campfire grilled pizza.

Kebab for the boy with olives.

Italian pressed sandwich.

Steak, potatoes, and onions.

Campfire Cupcake

breakfast of champions

My happy eaters

Chicken bacon paste kebobs.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Beach Camping Trip 2014 Menus

So, this year, K brought a dry erase board with her that I took over.  Mom's perogative.

Doing a menu for each meal started as a lark, but quickly became expected as the trip went on.  Creativity also went downhill, but what do you want.  I have to plan, prep and cook every meal.  I don't always have extra brain cells to write up a witty decription.

Fancy table

Ha Ha.  Yes, I'm know I massacred the French.

The kids loved the Kabables which may be TM'd.  Sorry.

Fancy scrambled eggs

Options.  The hummus plates were for the kids.

Getting less fancy.

Tired of doing this.

Getting some energy back.

K did this one.  Wishful thinking on her part.

Starting to repeat.

So that's enough of those. 
More to come on the rest of the trip.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

So, I have been a slacker in many ways.  No blog posts.  Only one movie night this summer.  Yep, sad but true."


the one we did have...


Without further ado, I give you

SUPERHERO Movie Night!

Clearly, the feature presentation was "The Incredibles".  The funny thing was that by the end of the movie, only one kid was actually watching the film.

We had a face painter.  Thanks to my talented friend Kristen.

Group shot.  Sorry it's fuzzy.

I have more pictures somewhere, but here is a teaser of how things looked.
  Action words were everywhere.

Good times!