Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

 I always like doing something fun for Halloween.  Of course, our house is completely decorated with lights and tombstones, fake limbs, etc., but food has to be involved somehow.

Ta Da...

This made me laugh, and the kids loved it.  

Speaking of kids...

Mavis and her skeleton brother.  His costume had LEDs all over the chest piece.  It was great.

So, after the kids went TOTing, we decided to have a movie night.
Nightmare Before Christmas.

Mother nature had other plans.
The kids actually sat out under umbrellas for a while, but alas, we pulled the plug (literally).

Next year....

As we were then sorting through candy at the end of the night, we found this.


At least cover or scratch out the name so we can't see that you did this.

Ha Ha Ha!
My husband wanted to hand out leftover candy from Easter and such.
I said" No! Who does that?"

Apparently, Kade does.