Sunday, March 31, 2013

Made a pie for dessert with the fresh strawberries from the farmers market.
It is soooo pretty.

Totally fell apart when I cut it up.  Oh well.  Tasted good though.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Erin go bragh!
We had a fun St. Patrick's Day with our neighbors coming over for dinner.
The Lak's brought hor d'ouerves.
The Rob's brought Shepherd's pie - Lamb.

I made corned beef, colcannon, and soda bread.

I did both a traditional loaf with raisons and caraway seeds, and plain for the kids.
Kaitlyn loved the plain one.
Mon (neighbor) had four helpings of the colcannon.  I guess it was good.  Ha Ha!

Is this not the most beautiful cupcake you have ever seen?

Here's another look.
Chocolate with raspberry cream and raspberries on the inside.  It has a whipped mocha frosting dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with chocolate shavings and edible glitter.
Jolly Holiday Bakery at Disneyland.
While eating that, it truly was the happiest place on earth for me.