Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day

So, we planned this whole big date night for Valentine's Day with the kids going to Parent's Night Out at Bethany.

Guess what....Jason had class that night. 

So, instead we had a nice family dinner at home the night before.  NOT fancy by any means.

Red beans and rice that they kids like, and garlic shrimp for Mom and Dad.   Super yummy.

Then we opened a box we got in the mail that day.  SURPRISE!

Nana sent a cookie bouquet.
Goofy out of focus picture... but the kids were funny. 
On Valentines Day, the kids had Happy Meals from McDonalds, and I had a frozen burrito.  Before you feel bad, I was by myself at home.  Did I mention I was by myself - alone?  Despite it being VD, this was not a bad thing, as I rarely get time at home alone. ;)
I guess we'll try again next year.